The recovery of Ochoa's work has allowed us to develop new perspectives on the painter and to stimulate the interest of critics and experts from the world of Art and Culture. Among the followers of Ochoa’s work (from a historical, artistic and cultural perspective) and the Foundation that bears his name are:
- Juan Manuel Bonet. Historian, essayist and art critic.
- Felio Bauzá Martorell. Lawyer and University Professor.
- José Bauzá y Pizá. Art critic and journalist.
- Inmaculada Corcho. Director of the Art Museum of ABC.
- Francisco Arniz. Art critic.
- Joan Oliver. Gallerist, writer and art collector.
- Pilar Citoler. Art collector and doctor.
- Antonio Alvar. University Professor.
- Alfredo Alvar. Historian and researcher of CSIC.
- Adolfo Ramirez. Managing Director of Banesto.
- Maria del Carmen Coronado. Human Resources of ING.
- Alfonso Jiménez. President of Peoplematters.
- María Jiménez-Blanco. Professor of Art History of UCM.
- Joaquín Turina. Musicologist.
- Henning Wegener. German Ambassador.
- José Manuel Massó. Journalist and Managing Director of Addenda.
- Matías Diaz Padrón. Curator of the Museo del Prado.
- Emilio Peral Vega. Professor-Doctor of Philology of the UCM.
- Javier Cremades. Lawyer and President of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo Abogados.
- Juan Ortiz Úrculo. State Tax Attorney.
- Alfonso Coronel de Palma. Lawyer and President of the COPE Foundation.
- Cristobal Toral. Painter (Artist).
- Ramón Gavito. Pilot and Commander of Iberia.
- Claudio Torcigliani. Painter (Artist).
- Manuel Pico. President of the Academy of Fine Arts of Santa Cecilia.
- Marisa Cuñado. Vicepresident of Cemide.
- José Ramón Estévez. President of Bodegas Marqués del Real Tesoro.
- Jean Pierre Olivier. Art Collector.
- César A. Brillas. Businessman and Art Collector.
- Celsa Crespo. Art Collector.
- Miguel Moreto. Businessman and Art Collector.
- Antoni López. Director and Editor of Seix Barral.
- Juan Ignacio Peinado. PhD of University.
- Miguel y Maria Rosa Colom. Businessman and Art Collector.