Art Decó-Illustration
Enrique Ochoa moved to Madrid in 1914 and, in the bohemian capital, he begins to emerge as champion of modernism and art deco. It was in Madrid that he started his career as an illustrator of numerous publications of the time, such as "For those Worlds", "The Sphere", "New World" "Stamp" and especially "Black and White" with which he collaborated steadily between 1917 and 1931.
He actively participated in the artistic and cultural life of the interwar period and the avant-garde, becoming friends with Andrés Segovia, Lasso de la Vega, Jacinto Benavente, Ramón Gómez de la Serna and Jose Bergamin. Enrique Ochoa also became popular thanks to his illustration of numerous short stories and other literary works, notable among which was his work of ornamentation of the Complete Works of Rubén Darío and a special edition of "Don Quixote". Ochoa helped to shape the image of virtually an entire generation of storytellers, illustrating over 2000 books and publications.
Ochoa had his first “solo” exhibition in 1914, followed - until the outbreak of the civil war, - by twenty exhibitions in Spain, France and Italy, participating also in other events and exhibitions such as the Salons des Comédiens, the National Exhibition of Fine Arts, the Salon d'Automne ...
"Together with Baldrich, Bartolozzi, Penagos, Ramos and Ribas, Ochoa belongs in the group of the six great illustrators".
Juan Manuel Bonet

Carmen. La Esfera.
The Blanket. La Esfera.
A Romantic.
Ochoa´s Studio in Barcelona, 1944.
Ochoa´s Studio in Palma de Mallorca, 1949.