Precursor of Styles and Avant Garde Movements
Ochoa’s restlessness caused him throughout his lifetime to initiate and discover new ways forward for his art. Ochoa has been compared to the English Pre-Raphaelites, with Gustave Moreau, surrealism and the birth of abstract art; people have sought similarities between him and Kandinsky and have called him the precursor of the American Gestualism action paintings of Pollock, Tobey or De Kooning. The best of Ochoa’s abstract and figurative art is reflected in canvases such as “Faces and Cement”, “Autumn 1971”, “The Olive Tree of Love”, “Picasso, an imaginary portrait” or “The Devil”.
All the same, Ochoa has something of the alchemist about him. This man himself developed the colours with which he was able to put down on canvas feelings wrenched from deep inside himself. As an artisan in painting materials, he was able himself to mix pigments with fixing agents, trying out different textures and searching feverishly for a durability that would enable him to deliver art that would survive in perpetuity.
The Fight with the Angel. Oil on canvas. 169X195 CM. Private Collection Madrid.